Crafters Hierarchy and its Tradition in Syria

In Syria and the Levant area, the crafts and industry sectors have been known for their developed and systematic hierarchy for hundreds of years, where all the crafters and workers were organized in a certain pyramidal system that ensured them recognition and managed a good working flow, as well as an appreciation for what they had made. This system has a certain name, and we call it The Craft Sheikh System.

History differs on when the system was first used. Some say it began in the 19th century, and some say it was way back in the 16th century. Either way, this system has been known for being very developed and organized since its beginning, something that was reflected in many ways: it was very specialized in delegating tasks and responsibilities such as assigning people for following up with marketing, sales and services. It also had very certain instructions and laws that everyone followed even though they were not written and were exchanged orally.      

With years passing by, the hierarchy positions’ names did change, but generally they can be divided into seven stages:

1 – All Crafts Sheikh of the Sheikhs:

This is highest position in the system, and was also called the Bazaar Sheikh. He is elected by all the Crafts Sheikhs, and needs to have a strong reputation for education, integrity and honesty, as he will be supervising dozens of crafts and hundreds of workers, and judging all kinds of cases and problems depending on his wisdom and ability to control.

2 – Captain

Captains are the All Crafts Sheikh’s consultants. As it is impossible for him to know everything about each craft, the All Crafts Sheikh works with captains who know about the crafts, sending them to attend meetings and ask for consultations about crafts issues. Captains are nominated by the Crafts Sheikh and the city judge. Captains also have a hierarchy where the captain of the captains heads it, and takes care of all captain issues.  

3 – Craft Sheikh

Usually this position is passed down from father to son. The main duties for the Craft Sheikh is to take care of craft issues and problems, along with craft workers’ issues and problems. He must be very talented in his craft and know all its details and secrets. He must also be good-hearted, fair and honest, as he is the master that everybody looks to regarding craft techniques, roles, ethics and rules, and he enforces the law on the violators. There is a historical story about this position. “When an oppressed man comes to the Craft Sheikh, he will hold the master belt and say: I am at your belt to get my rights from (so and so)…, and the Sheikh will reply: your right will come to you if it’s yours.”   

4 – Sergeant  

He is the helper of the Craft Sheikh, chosen with the consultancy of the crafters. He assists the master with the craft issues and acts as a mediator between the crafters and the Sheikh.

5 – Crafter

He is the one who knows the craft and has a place to practice it. He is the producer who has the right to manufacture and sell the products. The makers and the helpers work for him. He also has the right to attend the crafts meetings and have an input regarding the decisions related to his craft.

6- Maker

They are the backbone of the craft industry in Syria, as they are the main producers of the craft products. They work for a pre-arranged wage. The maker can become a crafter if he manages to get his own place, and if he gets approval from his boss. Some crafters will try to hide the craft secrets from the makers who work for them to prevent the makers from becoming crafters and competing with them.    

7- Helper

It is common for little kids to start at this level, under the supervision of the crafters and the makers. They will start by cleaning and taking care of the shop, and then they will start to learn the craft techniques and ethics step by step, then practicing and gaining the knowledge. And when he gets the needed practice, he will be nominated by his crafter to be examined by a jury of other crafters and the Sheikh of craft, and when he passes, a celebration by the family and his fellow workers takes place, with the other successful helpers.  

Today, many of these positions have disappeared, as the need for them ended thanks to advancing technology. We have now only the Crafts Sheikh, crafters and helpers. We also have the surnames of many families that were related to the crafts, like: carpenter, blacksmith, jewelers, builders, etc.

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